IMI Blog

CHOPT for Medicaid: Focusing on the Experiences of Families

Jennifer E. Moore, PhD, RN, FAAN

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the CHOPT for Medicaid project is a year-long initiative focused on childhood obesity prevention and treatment efforts in the Medicaid population. The culmination of this work was unveiled during last week’s convening meeting, including a toolkit that offers a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the science, data from the national Medicaid managed care survey and family interviews, and tools for implementing childhood obesity initiatives.

The toolkit can be downloaded here.

The convening meeting brought together a range of Medicaid stakeholders including families, clinicians, researchers, community advocates, government representatives, and health plans. The day centered on the experiences of families that participated in the childhood obesity prevention and treatment programs. The families spoke about the challenges and successes that they encountered and shared tips for improving the programs. Throughout the day, meeting participants had an opportunity to speak with the families in panel presentations, roundtables, and exhibit booths. The meeting was very lively, offering participants time to engage with other participants and families during random stretch and exercise breaks, a scavenger hunt, and art walk. It was an incredible day of listening, learning, and understanding about childhood obesity in the Medicaid population from the perspective of the experts, the families!

Are you interested in participating in the CHOPT for Medicaid project? Please contact us at [email protected].