Introducing IMI’s New Virtual Learning Series on High-Value, Evidence-Based Models of Maternal Care in Medicaid
Following the spring release of the Institute for Medicaid’s (IMI) report, Improving Maternal Health Access, Coverage, and Outcomes in Medicaid, the IMI team heard from an array of Medicaid stakeholders who were interested in taking the information about high-value, evidence-based maternal models of care detailed in the report and putting it into action. Medicaid health plans, state Medicaid agencies, clinicians, including midwives who operate and work at freestanding birth centers, and advocates at the national and state level have all identified access to and coverage of midwifery-led care for the Medicaid population as a priority. Many have expressed interest in learning more about the challenges and best practices in implementing this model of care. In the summer of 2020, the Institute for Medicaid Innovation (IMI) began developing a new virtual learning series, Leveraging Midwifery-Led Care to Address Disparities and Equity in Medicaid. The series applies a birth equity framework to guide and inform how participants can be responsive to the root causes of maternal disparities, especially for Black pregnant and birth people, when considering a midwife-led model of care. An overview of the 8-part series, which will begin in October 2020 and conclude in May 2021, can be downloaded here.
IMI designed the sessions using an “hourglass” approach. The series starts with a widened lens, introducing and clarifying the role of certified nurse-midwives, certified midwives, and freestanding birth centers along with the value of the midwifery-led model of care. The sessions then taper inward, focusing on the regulatory and operational environments for midwifery-led care and freestanding birth centers and highlighting lessons learned and best practices by national experts in the field. Building upon this knowledge, the later sessions focus on broader implementation, such as working with state partners to align state Medicaid initiatives with the midwifery-led model of care and building the business case to spark policy momentum.

Registration for the series closes on September 14th, and space is limited to 200 registrants. If you are interested in participating, please follow this link to register. Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.