Best Practices in Medicaid Managed Care
The Institute for Medicaid Innovation’s (IMI) annual best practices compendium represents the most innovative initiatives in Medicaid managed care that address critical health and social issues.
Each year, health plans submit their best practices for consideration of inclusion in this exclusive publication. Through a rigorous process conducted by a panel of independent, national experts, the best practice submissions are reviewed and scored with the top initiatives selected for inclusion in the annual compendium.
The best practices highlighted in the compendiums address important clinical topics such as trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment for children, adult super-users with substance use disorders that utilize mobile technology, and reducing hospital readmissions among individuals with multiple chronic conditions. As you will discover, many of the innovative projects connect clinicians, communities, families, and health plans together in addressing issues of access to high quality care.
For each category (e.g., women’s health), a winner is selected by the review panel, highlighting the “best of the best” for that category. Additionally, an overall award is given to the most innovative best practice across all of the categories. The winners are designated in the compendium.
Survey Report Best Practices
Archived Compendia
2017 Best Practices Compendium
2016 Best Practices Compendium
2015 Best Practices Compendium
For more information about opportunities to be engaged in this exciting work, please contact Dr. Jennifer Moore at [email protected].