Fourth IMI Survey Fact Sheet Highlights MCOs’ Strategies to Address Redeterminations

Data quality and sharing emerge as key improvement areas for Medicaid agencies

The Institute for Medicaid Innovation’s (IMI’s) latest edition in its series of fact sheets about the national Medicaid MCO redetermination process is now available! The survey series, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, provides an in-depth view of health plans’ responses regarding risk mitigation, disenrollment, and outreach. 

The fact sheet contains results of the fourth MCO redetermination survey, which was fielded in February 2024. Learn how health plans are navigating the effects of Medicaid redetermination on their members and discover the best practices that are emerging.

This fourth MCO redetermination survey fact sheet:

  • Represents almost every state, and the District of Columbia, that has Medicaid managed care
  • Reflects health plans of all sizes and types (nonprofit, for-profit, and government)
  • Identifies data quality and data sharing as the top two items that state Medicaid agencies could improve
  • Indicates calling and texting members, and collaboration with community health centers, to be among the most successful strategies for conducting outreach to members on the redetermination process

Discover how responses have evolved since our first MCO redetermination survey was fielded in May 2023:

MCO Redetermination Survey Findings 1 of 4

MCO Redetermination Survey Findings 2 of 4

MCO Redetermination Survey Findings 3 of 4

MCO Redetermination Survey Findings 4 of 4

Up next: IMI will publish a fact sheet in mid-May of overarching trends from the series of surveys over the past year.